Sealed with a Kiss

A good day today, though I spent most of the morning in front of the screen. We have a Photo Club meeting this evening and I've been checking that all the images sent on ahead by the judge are on the laptop and the show is working properly. The judge will be here in person and the competition is 'Vehicles'. As Comp Sec I get to see the results before anyone else but I'm not telling! Except to say that I didn't win!

After lunch I went for a stroll down to the front before the sun disappeared. I was surprised to see this seal sunning himself - or herself - on the Oban Times slip. He/she didn't seem too perturbed and watched me walking down the slip - only when I got within 10ft did the furry one flip off the slip into the water. A head appeared about 30ft away - just checking - and that was the last sighting.

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