Wow! 2000 Blips. I have been doing this since mid-May 2007, not as seriously as some, and not as often as others but I do enjoy it. Joe and Co at Blip Central have unique way for people to express themselves through photography and for that I would like to thank them for their tireless efforts.

Blipfoto has changed quite a lot over the past 6 years. Most of the changes and updates have passed me by but it is good to see that there is a lot of people out there who do use all the features. Me, I am happy taking a photo and posting it with a bit of a blurb, with the occasional missed day.

I have no thoughts of quitting. Apparently there are quite a lot of people as well as family and friends who find my daily posts and the subject matter interesting. Who'd have thought?

I decided to stick to a tried and tested formula for my Blip celebration photo.

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