Who Ate The Cake?

Could have also have called this 'Guilty' or 'In the Dog House'.  My fault really, am no good at multi-tasking any more.  Was trying to fit in making a cake with more processing and then taking M up to An Tobar.  It's his birthday today and his work colleagues decided to make a fuss of him.  Just as well they gave him cake as when I got home I found that one of the dogs, and I think we know who, had jumped up and taken a few munches out of the cake that was ready to be iced.  Still at least it wasn't full of chocolate or raisins etc. - apparently dogs can eat maple syrupy things safely (not recommended though as highly calorific).  

Having a zoom dinner with R and H later, and present opening.  M has suggested we look at rescuing what's left of it tomorrow - I agree. 

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