Life through the lens...

By ValC

Hi great grandad.

Called to take Jude his first advent calendar.
As you can see he already has his tree up, and his dad couldn’t wait until Christmas to give him this ball pool. Probably a good idea as he is going to have so many presents on Christmas morning he will be overwhelmed.
We had a lovely afternoon with him and his mum. He laughs a lot, but as soon as I get the camera out he gives up.
Here he is looking up at great grandad who is taking a photo of him on his phone.
He can now move much faster on his tummy but still not crawling on his hands and knees.

Couldn’t stay too long as the plumbers needed to do a couple of things. They will be back tomorrow morning to carry on.
So must remember to alter the alarm clock!

Well done Leeds United. Just managed to won in extra time!

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