
Rather long and trying day, with back to back meetings to be chaired all morning at home then a dash to print off stuff for graduation and another ceremony this afternoon. I do love graduations, albeit these are rather shorter than usual and with fewer of the frills, but you still get that sense of a hall full of pride and happiness which has to be a good thing!
Dashed back home for a catch up with L and then some focussed email shovelling period after not being able to work on them the rest of the day.
Having just sat down to eat a snacky supper A called to say she’d had a puncture on the way back from Scarborough and was stranded in the middle of nowhere. Lots of calls and hassle later we managed to get someone out to help her and change the tyre (there isn’t a spare), despite hopeless response from my so called breakdown cover company. Thank goodness for mobile phones (remember when they were called car phones?!).
I started knitting a jumper for Paisley to try and stay awake for her getting home to help carry her things up, then made her some hot chocolate and we both went straight to bed. Blimey that was a tough day.

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