Christmas is coming

...and I'm totally unprepared! Crazy busy and slightly stressful work day, as it is at this time every year - with a couple of extra CRM problems thrown in for good measure.

Worked until nearly 7pm, then tried to 'quickly' print some address labels for my Mum (for her Christmas cards). Took me over an hour in total, before and after a very hurried dinner. Tim gave me some help but was also trying to deal with our TV which had suddenly given up on giving us decent sound. Come 9pm we'd both solved our respective issues (with some Heath Robinson ingenuity) and could settle down for a quick hour of TV (with great sound!) before bed.

Just time to quickly light this advent candle that Tim's Mum had given us and grab a quick phone photo. (I'm sure my camera must be feeling a bit sad and lonely this week!)

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