One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

The bog-standard bog shot

A successful trip to the pet shop it was.
We came back with a bottle of brown bog water and 30 to 40 energetic little swimmers.

Tadpoles are the best pets ever.

Lady D.I. is convinced that the new batch is going to stay at Nana's and is not coming back with us to Dublin.
Awww, she can be touchingly gullible sometimes.

Sometimes only.

Thanks a million for all of you who have expressed some concern for Jojo. I looked up the speed dating section of the Western People and they don't seem to be doing much for Spaniels... There is a niche in the market there worth exploring.
It is going to take time. He really isn't himself. But for the last two days there are three hyperactive kids who have kept him busy.
The nighst are tough though (hyperactive kids tend to crash around 8.30 pm...)

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