
Creative today...
Ink pens didn't behave as expected, but created something different.

Stray cats...well, my expensive dry biscuits for Popeye, which would have lasted Popeye until next year are all eaten up.
So, I had to source some new ones, not cheap ones, but considerably cheaper.
They were out yesterday for the first time. Two bowls of them. 
I saw 4 of the 5 strays from my bed.
Each one had a face of disgust.
They came to the bedroom glass door beseeching me. "You can't expect us to eat this ****".
Stony faced me said, "It's that, or nothing. And if this hasn't gone by Monday, the rest of the supplies are going to the food bank for someone who would appreciate this. You have all been spoilt by Popeyes's special food. And there will be nothing put out again".
Each of the four walked away, the way cats do, disgusted and flicking their tail and bum at me.

But in the night the two bowls of dry cat food have gone. Who has taken it I have no idea. It could have been 5th stray Jade. Or some creature of the night.

The birds gave the thumbs up to the new dry biscuits yesterday. Blackbirds, Robin, and sparrows approved it.

If Jade ever agrees to be an indoors cat, then she will get an upgrade on the dry biscuits and other food.

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