Chris with his mum

Manchester has some wet weather. Today was no exception. Cold, heavy rain seemed to spiral over the city all day.

We enjoyed a relaxing day, not doing very much just sitting and talking in different locations. A late breakfast stretched to lunchtime in the hope of better weather.

We planned to walk to the Science Museum, the rain forced us to go by Uber and straight into the cafe for coffee and scone.

Much of the museum was under renovation. We did seen an exhibition about Manchester and cotton which was know acknowledging the role of slavery and exploration in creating the wealth of the city.

There was a fascinating and uplifting exhibition on cancer which told the story of the disease, how the treatments have evolved and all the new research which is currently giving hope for long term treatment. It was right Chris’s street as he is a cellular biologist working for a company on the cutting edge of cancer research.

An Uber took us back to the hotel for an early dinner which stretched til gone eight and a few pints. We were going out to see the Christmas markets - the weather said otherwise!

Todays blip is of Chris and his mum, the former Mrs Tryfan. That she and the current Mrs Tryfan get on so well is amazing, for which I’m very thankful and why we were all able travel up together and spend a few days with him this weekend.

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