Mono Monday

Forecast not very good for today, although I was surprised when the sun came out although it was rather windy. Popped around to S'bury's this morning while they still had their 25% off on alcohol. With Storm Barra arriving tomorrow thought it a good idea. When I arrived back home i realised that I had forgotten to pick up my repeat prescription from Boots next door, so back I went.

It was all a bit of a rush as I had slot booked for a British Gas engineer to come and sort out my boiler between 12pm and 6pm.  He arrived just gone 1pm. Hooray!! This was the 4th appointment I have had to book. The previous three appointments no one turned up for one reason or another.  Anyway he was here for about 20mins and replaced one of those little white boxes you can see in the blip, on the left which is for the heating, the one on the right being for the hot water. I'm sure there is someone out there in Blipland who knows the technical name for them.

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