
By JeanSnaps


Grim, dark and raining when I woke but thankfully it changed to sunshine.  I meant to do lots of things in the morning but didn't.  Lots of interruptions.   Margaret phoned to say she couldn't make tomorrow.  She has bronchitis which turned into pneumonia last year and may do so again.  We are also supposed to be having another storm with wind and snow and she has to come a long way.  She go no answer from Linda which is normal. Left a message. I phoned LInda later but still no answer so I left another message saying I thought we should cancel and meet in January weather permitting. Went out to photograph with my lens adapter and ancient 400 prime lens plus my new R lens and had a nice time. Stopped at Strath on the way back to walk along the Eden.  The sun had gone by then. Saw a large bird which turned out to be a heron in a tree.  Did I have my 400 lens on the camera ?   No.   It was back in the car.  Then it began to rain so I came home and got on with wrapping presents.  They are all done apart from two which need letters writing but once Julie has cut my hair, tomorrow is all mine.  Still got to make a start on cards and on decorations though. Hopefully it will all be done by Friday.

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