
this hat is just the right size !"

I've had a set up like this before, but that guy ran off with the hat. So, I have installed the wire on this hat. Now that he has taken the bait I might try some other set ups for fun.

Merry's bloodwork was not as rosy as her little physical self presented. Two liver enzyme readings went down slightly, but two went up, one a bit more worrying. She will continue with her two liver support meds and the vet has added a third pill, a steroid to try to lower the bilirubin level. It's probably an auto-immune liver condition that cats can get. We shall see, at the moment she's a bight little button.Two pills, three, that makes no difference, it's all about catching the little crafty scamp to deliver them.

Speaking of delivery, our Christmas tree was delivered this morning. We have it on the piazza now, it's supposed to rain or snow tomorrow, so it will stay dry there till we have time to set it up.

For the Record,
This day came in sunny and cool, but thankfully the wind has died down.

All hands very wary

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