Flower Friday. : : Narcissus

These are such satisfying plants. They bloom unbidden in the dead of winter year after year. They tend to crop up in unusual places including this shallow very narrow little strip where practically nothing else will grow. This morning Spike lost his way to get a drink out of the fountain pond and trampled on this plant but it sprang back unphased. (So did Spike, although he is learning how to feel his way with a paw or his nose.)
There is a growing stand of them next to the driveway which bloomed even after the fire burned everything else just a couple of months earlier.
The only problem with them is that I can't stand their overpowering scent, so they must remain outdoor flowers....

David, bless his heart finished up in the bathroom, all except for painting the vanity drawers, and even played Mrs. Mop, cleaning the bathtub, the toilet and the sink. I told him we were expecting guests and he did a better cleaning job than I would have...

A package arrived today from the SoCal family with the most amazing selection of cheese and charcuterie from Eataly. Granddaughter Claire leaves for Bologna on the 29th, which may have contributed to the Italian inspiration. Daughter-in-Law Amy has always been genius at finding the perfect gift . Our house is full of things she has given us. 

The sound of rocks falling into a dump truck continue unabated as work on the foundation appears to have begun. The similarity to detonations or explosions sometimes cannot be ignored. I told John this morning that I'm generally pretty good at ignoring/overlooking the racket, but today has not been one of those days. I hope we get the weekend off.

I thought that the Buffalo chicken wings might get lost in translation , something like 'bacon butties', but it seems that their fame has preceded them across the pond. John is preparing them as I write and I must go lay out the crudites and charcuterie. I do hope the rockfall stops before the guests arrive but they should stop before dark....

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