A Day In The Life

By Irish59

Motherless Child

The juvenile gray fox visited this afternoon looking thin and scruffy. She kept her nose to the ground sniffing out any and every seed and nut still left uneaten under the lilac trees. It doesn’t look like Foxy Frida has eaten much since the last time we saw her. It’s heartbreaking to see. I’m thankful what snow we did have is gone, and the daytime temps will be above freezing this week. Foxy Frida might have a better chance of catching a hearty meal • With today being an even number day, it was my turn to open an advent drawer, and I was happy to find a shower scrubby and a Lindt chocolate inside. Brilliant Santa knows I have a sweet tooth :) • Twice-baked potatoes and salad are on tonight’s menu. Something easy so I can watch a NCAA Women’s B-ball game :) • Go SC!

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