Food for thought

The big breakfast. Followed by the big game! For we were entertaining top-of-the-table Rangers. Us with our unbeaten home record too. 
A whirlwind start by the boys in maroon! We were all over them for ten minutes. Unfortunately they then broke up field and scored with ease. And repeated the feat after all of a further four minutes. After that, we continued being the better team. Oh yes, shots, corners, possession .. all were testament to our superiority. Beers and a most entertaining chat with Roj and AJ afterwards. 
Later, Johnson has a broadcast to the nation. A cynic might say for no reason at all other than to make him look good after a disastrous week. One million booster shots a day he announces! A suspiciously round number. I remember Hancock with his 100,000 tests a day. 
Never mind boosters, what about the non-vaccinated in the first place?
I’ll give you numbers (Scottish numbers) - 87% of people in SIMD8 have been vaccinated. 75% in SIMD1. Or cutting it by ethnicity, 88% of whiteys, 66% of Africans. Actually , Scotland has very few Africans, and I suspect most of them play for Rangers or Celtic. If they get the Covid it may be no bad thing for our top flight. 

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