
By BGCoffee

Another Moon

An uneventful day, but I think I might just have to specialize in moon shots - as I managed to capture this one today despite some cloud.  We also had a very family oriented Open Mic night at BG Grapevine - we hold this every Monday evening and it has proven popular with a full slate of performers turning up for the 2 hours of entertainment.  I dug out my guitar and violin and played a couple of songs, as did Daniel and our grandson Mayson, who now has his own band called 'The Found' and has released a couple of songs on all the streaming sites under that band name.

Otherwise spent some time getting my British Passport renewal application done, which I found surprisingly efficient compared with that of the US.  I was allowed to take a digital photo with the iPhone, which Leyna kindly did, and then filled out a fairly brief application online which was confirmed as received.   I now only have to return my old passport and a copy of every page of my US passport and apparently that's it!  No more trying to find a photographic place to do a correctly sized British passport photo in the US - easier said than done, and also no finding another British passport holder to verify that it is a true likeness!  Anyway, we'll see how long it takes to arrive, given the current working from home that seems to be heavily encouraged in the UK right now - no doubt applies to the passport office.

Back blipped a couple more to catch up

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