L for Leather

A quiet benign sort of day today. No plans to do much but I did get to finish valeting the Jagwar as the Americans call it. Jagwar, sounds wrong to me, why not pronounce it properly.

I had treated myself to a bottle of leather cream and conditioner as the interior looked a bit grubby. 

Grubby? My word when I set to with spray and cloth I thought I was cleaning an actual cow. One that had a propensity for messing itself. It was filthy. The vehicle is in good condition generally and is mechanically sound. I have twenty years worth of receipts for all the work that has ever been done on it.

But not a single receipt for leather cleaner. In my opinion the car has never been properly cleaned in its life. I like leather, and cream leather is luxurious in the extreme, but the picture I have used today shows the difference between the seat (cleaned and treated) and the back rest, yet to be done.

The new cloth I used to apply the cream was black when I had finished. Yeeuk, someone else's grime from twenty years of use, all on a cloth. But it was worth it, the leather is now clean, with a wonderful burnished finish. And it smells nice too.

The rest of the interior showed evidence of dog, wellington boots, golf clubs and tidal action (grains of sand in all the cracks) but is now not only spick, but span as well. A good day's work and Kitty is purring.

As always, thank you so much for giving time to read my journal and putting comments and stars in. I genuinely appreciate it. 

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