Brian's Bits

By Kanyl

Ooh Trossachs

I don't think I ever heard Dad swear. He once referred to some-one as a "NASTY man". You could almost hear the capitals.

Mam once passed on some of her father's oaths and curses.
"Jam and butter it, muddy eyes, bandy legged buckets of pitch".

Since then I've collected a few. Mork, of Mindy fame, perpetually used "Shazbat", which I adopted and added to "Trossachs", "Bollards and bastions", "Oooh Horlicks!" (From the advert), and a few more.

With events in the kitchen slowing, waiting for plasterer's work to set pending the tiler (Alan not Watt) so I got to escape for a wee while and it suddenly occurred to me that "Pollards" wasn't on my repertoire.

'Tis now.

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