
By KatesGardenPDX

No Rain Today!

It was lovely to see a bit of sun today and even better that it didn't rain! I had an appointment with my amazing chiropractor today. She actually moved to Houston in June and was just up visiting Portland for a few days, seeing her old patients. It seems that she'll be coming to visit on a regular basis...I'm thrilled!

I came across these Nandina berries glowing in the sun this morning near her office. Perfect, festive blip I thought!

I had my flu jab this afternoon - it hurt like the dickens when he jabbed me. I hope that I don't have a reaction to it. He told me that I was over due for the shingles and pneumonia vaccines, like he was going to offer them to me today NOT! Only one at a time! 

Lots of people doing their Christmas shopping this afternoon - the roads and parking lots were jammed. I go to see my mom tomorrow, who seems to be doing OK now. Fingers crossed. Thanks so much for your continued good thoughts for our family and mom.

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