Cysgod diddorol o las

Cysgod diddorol o las ~ An interesting shade of blue

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Heddiw roedden ni'n teimlo'n ddigon dda i fynd allan i Pugh's yn Radur, ond aethon ni'r ffordd hawdd - mewn tacsi. Doedd dim digon o egni ac amser gyda ni i wneud un rhywbeth arall. Gwnaethon ni ymweld ag holl y siopau ac yna aethon ni i'r caffi i gael paned a chacen. Roedden ni'n edmygu'r addurn yn y caffi. Roedd y silffoedd wedi'u paentio cysgod diddorol o las ac roedd llawer o bethau diddorol arnyn nhw. Roedd rhywun wedi mynd i lawer o drafferth i wneud i'r lle edrych yn braf, ac roedd e'n lle da iawn i ymlacio. Ar ddiwedd ein hymweliad gwnaethon ni galw tacsi eto i fynd adre. Roedd y tacsi yn fawr iawn a gwnaethon ni teimlo'n hytrach 'posh' ar y ffordd adre.

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Today we felt good enough to get out to Pugh's in Radyr, but we went the easy way - by taxi. We didn't have enough energy and time to do one more thing. We visited all the shops and then went to the cafe for a cup of tea and cake. We admired the decoration in the café. The shelves were painted an interesting shade of blue and had lots of interesting things on them. Someone had gone to a lot of trouble to make the place look nice, and it was a really good place to relax. At the end of our visit we called a taxi again to go home. The taxi was very big and made us feel rather 'posh' on the way home.

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