A time for everything

By turnx3

More signs of Spring

The sunshine enticed me out for a walk at Sharon Woods this afternoon, where the boats are back in the water after the winter, and made the harbor area quite a colorful scene. There were several fishermen out in rowing boats, though to me it still seemed a little cool to be sitting in a boat fishing. However, each day is getting a little warmer, and by the weekend we are supposed to be at seasonal temperatures, if not a little above. It was choir practice this evening, and now Easter is over, we are starting to look at the music for our Spring concert on May 19. We have a number of new pieces, and a couple of them are quite tricky - particularly with the rhythm. Fortunately we have two Sundays between now and then when we don't sing, so we only have a couple of other anthems to work on besides the concert music, so hopefully it will come together.

One year ago: Goose nesting

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