Capital adventures

By marchmont

Happy Christmas!

The calendar, and a near empty pool, tells me it's Christmas Eve. I did 56 minutes in the pool this morning then home to do the usual admin things, today requesting a refund for 'White Christmas'.

Rest of the day: still trying to untangle a necklace, checked cooking times for tomorrow, harvested some more tatties, danced to BBC Sounds music mixes. E came round with my Christmas and birthday presents and then #3 son came with presents and we sorted the stockings.

Later J came by to drop off my present and pick up theirs. Life is fraught in Roslin but the present is delivered.

I feel like I haven't done much today apart from a wee bit work at lunchtime and being bit of as domestic goddess. Yesterday I polished silver, today I washed and ironed, yes ironed, tablecloths.

The necklace continues and tonight t's red wine and chocolate ice cream.

Happy Christmas to all my blip buddies, wherever you are.

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