Return of the giant woman

Been a busy old day so far with tidying out the coat cupboard high on my to-do list. I’m fed up with the coats hanging on the ends of the bannisters so I’ve managed to throw out the grand total of zero coats but I did vanquish old shirts and hoodies to the charity bag and old worn out boots to the garage to be taken to the recycling centre tomorrow when it reopens. Several coats are now on the chair in Miss PHL’s room awaiting spring coming to decide their fate.

I’ve made a start on packing up the kitchen, think I’d underestimated how long it will take but I did manage to sort out the spice cupboard (just how many hats if chilli flakes does one person need? I had 6! Some now going to the food bank) and rationalise the jams. Miss PHL’s gluten free cupboard is now in a bag to take to her flat this week. I’m about to tackle the tins and packets but thought I’d take a break before I hit started to check out the theme for today.

A quick look back at last August brought up my first attempt at a timed selfie in my new coat and I thought it would be simple enough to try and replicate in mono today. Interesting challenge Apollofly, thanks for hosting. There were other photos I would have used as they maybe had more meaning but they all involved people who aren’t here today so a selfie it is!

Link to the original -

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