John .....

..... with a cigarette.

This lunch time I had a trip over to the St Ives estate to have a blipnic with a few fellow blippers. Attending were Wendles56, Yearofhappy and her daughters E & L, Jeanneb53, Corinthian and Dotsnaps with her husband S. It was lovely to meet everyone.

We had a nice blipnic next to the silver birch trees. Wendy had come prepared with a rucksack full of items to cover any eventuality, including an emergency tent and a slanket ( I felt a bit under prepared for emergencies with just a flint striker in my bag ).After all the various sandwiches, crisps, pies and cakes were consumed we had a lovely walk around the estate spotting all the wood carvings in and amongst all the trees.

After the blipnic I headed off in to Leeds to pick up some live food for my axolotls and whilst there spotted John who I have blipped. I often see John wandering the streets looking for discarded cigarettes when I visit Leeds, but today was the first time I have asked him for a photo. My alternative choice for today is here.

I didn't take too many photos at the blipnic today and the other blippers there have taken lovely photos of the day, so today's blip is .....

..... John with a cigarette.

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