Cinnamon rolls

It is widely thought that cinnamon rolls and buns originated in Northern Europe. There are certainly well-known pastries with sugar and cinnamon in Denmark and Sweden, Sweden even has a national day of the Kanelbulle on Oct 4! But in The Netherlands we also have a rolled sticky cinnamon bun, called Zeeuwse bolus, pointing to the province Zeeland where they were made first apparently. The idea there is that the recipe came from Jewish refugees who came to The Netherlands in the 17th century. Of course the use of cinnamon in food recipes had been normal in the Mediterranean and Middle-East region for ages, so who knows where cinnamon buns really originated … Fact remains they are yummy wherever the recipe comes from :-) For today’s MonoMonday theme of Fact or Fiction, with thanks to ApolloFly for hosting this month.

Thanks very much for the kind comments and stars for yesterday’s spiralling rose and the Abstract Thursday results.

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