A Sunrise Not to Be Missed!

I almost missed the
best part of the whole day by
sleeping in - my bad! 

~ carliewired

Pre-dawn colour at 7:48 was not one to miss this morning. By the time I scrambled into my boots and got out on the deck the red had already faded away. I was happy to get this glow. It was calm and partly cloudy with a temperature of - 3 C. 

I decided I'd best get out as soon as possible as the sun, if we had any, wasn't to last long. I drove off to Vantage Point by the airport overly optimistic about the wind and temperatures. As I walked towards the control tower, the wind was at my back but I realized I still needed another layer of fleece this morning. 

The landscape has the look of the arctic. The river is frozen over and the sun catches the bare spots where the wind has blown the snow away. I noticed that the float plane dock is almost obscured by ice and snow. I noticed a sundog to the east above the river. (Thank you HClaireB!) It looks like a compressed rainbow. 

When I turned to walk back to the truck the wind really caught me. I tucked my camera inside the front of my jacket and shoved my hands down into my pockets. Brrrr! 

I stopped briefly for some groceries. I was surprised to discover their stock was greatly depleted this morning. I suspect that is a problem with supply vehicles again. 

I'm scheduled for my booster this afternoon and will be happy to have that over with. 

School has started belatedly today. Once again I'm dismayed by the story the public is given versus the story the teachers are given, I fear for my colleagues. Sadly, teachers have never been given any special consideration in the vaccination roll out. They are shorted for protection in every way. Some schools don't even have ventilation systems that meet the minimum standard. Somehow, teachers are supposed to pull a rabbit out of the hat once again. I am so thankful that I am retired. 

We are looking at a mainly cloudy day with a high of -1 C and a chance of flurries tonight. We are in a warming trend with daytime temperatures to come up above freezing during the day over this week. We have mountains of snow piled up everywhere. How fast it melts could determine other problems. 

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