
Sunset was noticeably later today…this was 4.20pm. Mornings still feel very dark, but the lighter afternoons are so welcome.
In the office first thing for some online and in person meetings, and a chat with J to catch up on her break and news.
Home at lunchtime to let Paisley out and then work on through the to do list. V popped round to collect the car and we had a cup of tea and a lot of chat…we need to get a plan going for some outings and things soon, especially once her knee is better.
Collected A from work and then made some individual turkey, ham and leek pies for supper.
She was whacked out but definitely chirpier than at the weekend…she’d obviously been worried about whether she’d be in trouble for having dyed her hair so dramatically…
Played a few games of Wordle….I can see we’re a bit addicted! Just managed to do my Duolingo session before midnight. Quite enjoy it although in parts it’s too much like the Nuffield scheme we used for Latin learning at school….can’t see that the grammar will ever sink in by only using games and guessing!

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