
By Skysea7

Heat Haze

This photo looks faded and washed out - but that was how it was!  The sky was a cloudless blue but everything was hazy - not really good for getting interesting photos.

My hat, scarf and gloves stayed in my camera bag and at one point I felt so hot I had to take my coat off!

I saw three flying oystercatchers.  There were two cormorants swimming along side by side and they even dived at the same time!  And there were several paddle boarders who had gone so far out that they were almost on the horizon - too far away to get a photo.

I am puzzled by the 'plummeting infection numbers'.  Surely when there was a shortage of LFT tests ,that made it seem like there were less infections. And now with no need to follow up with a PCR test, no one's counting!  You don't HAVE to report negative LFT tests so how can we know how many infections there are?  Also, the news is suggesting that Boris will soon remove ALL restrictions.  That's surely the only way to stop further stories about politicians breaking the rules - if there's no more rules to break then they can do what they like!  (as they always have!)

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