Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Totem Poles

I was driving home from the pool this morning when I saw this clever sculpture.  I kept going but then decided I wanted a photo.  No one was around, so I backed down the street and parked in front of the house in a no parking zone.  This is the best angle I could get without walking up the driveway and I didn't feel like I should do that.  I think there are more owlets in the trunk on the right. :-)

I was late posting my bike ride collage from yesterday.  You can see it here if you're interested.

I talked to my sister-in-law today and she is almost over the last symptoms of pneumonia.  I am grateful that it was uncomplicated and she really didn't need to be in the hospital.  It was just frustrating and scary at the time, that they sent her home when she was so sick.

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