G i r l ' s G o t G u t s

By Sionii

The Comedown

My poor Bella hasn't had the best start to the month. After a long weekend in bootcamp while we were away last week, she came home in a fit of sneezing. At first it was cute, even a tad amusing but after 5 days we wondered if there could be more to it. So, the husband packed her off to the vets this morning. She's not really had any other symptoms - still her noisy, hungry self so I kind of thought they'd laugh him out the door. Well I was fair shocked when he phoned to say she was being kept in for a general anaesthetic so they could get a good look inside her wee nose and check if the silly creature had anything stuck up there.

A few hours and £80 later, we were summonsed to collect our rather drowsy 'boogsie'. They couldn't find anything but decided to give her some antibiotic and steroid injections just in case. As soon as she saw us she started trying to make her way out of the box, only to fall flat on her face - a routine that continued for the entire journey home. When we got back, I couldn't believe she'd been let home so soon. She got straight out her box only to slide flat on the floor, legs splayed in all directions like a flattened roadrunner. Despite our best efforts she would not settle and go to sleep but has, for the last 6 hours, been determined to brave her sea-legs and stumble around like a newborn lamb as the anaesthetic wears off. Steroids in a well cat haven't helped the situation as she's tried to tear the place apart looking for food. Only now is she finally sitting still, though she is 'knitting' like a 'cat on steroids'.

When we did collect her from the vets, the vet remarked Bella hadn't sneezed while she was with them. Guess what she did as soon as we got home. £80 well spent to spend a day with a cat who's had her drink spiked!

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