Easter Beauty

I was expecting to upload a photo of the sunset that I took with my phone on the way back to Fort Worth. But as I was going through photos on my computer, I was struck by Evie's grace and beauty that just shines from this photo.
I've really been wanting to go see Bernini's clay sculpture (or models) at the Kimbell. So here's my little piece of artwork to tide me over until then.
I love her stance and excitement. Easter egg hunting. Of course.

Evie and Caroline are notorious for being terrible at finding ANYTHING. So if you start hiding things from them -- geez. It gets worse.
So I hid some Reese's peanut butter eggs from them in a very difficult place so they would have to forfeit them and give them to me. That's terrible. I know that. But I think you underestimate how much I love peanut butter eggs if you don't think that I would be willing to hide them from my nieces in an impossibly good hiding spot (but totally within the realms of them finding it, mind you).
They didn't find them and I did eat them. They were delicious. No regrets.

Foley drove me to Houston to meet Ankeeta where we rode in her NEW CAR back home to Fort Worth. It was a lovely, lovely day with family and friends. And then I got home. Another story for another day.

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