
By BryanImagining


Francis Crawford is my wife's grandmother. We were enjoying the afternoon at sea Tuesday, waiting for everyone to assemble for a group photo. I was restless, and found myself flitting back and forth from room to room. I dscovered Fran inside her stateroom with the indirect sunlight bathing her face, and cajoled her into taking some "snapshots". ALl in all, I had about 90 seconds of patience from her, but I feel it's one of my better portrait compositions. I'm going to give this one to my wife, maybe on canvas...

We affectionately refer to this group as the "Grand Amoeba" as there are so many leaders in the group. It's exceedingly difficult to corral them all ay any one time. So if you see Richard bolting for the pizza line in this photo, It really expresses the group dynamic well.

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