MonoMonday - 3's

While doing our morning 5km walk at the mall this morning,  these 3 were out shopping.  Thought they would be perfect for the challenge

Corona Virus Update
Bahrain recorded 2,898 new cases, 0 fatalities and 1,524 recoveries today.
BSB students switch to remote learning after detection of active Covid-19 cases

China is urging people to wear masks and gloves when opening mail, especially from abroad, after authorities suggested the first case of the Omicron coronavirus virus variant found in Beijing could have arrived via a package from Canada.
On Tuesday, it reported 127 new local cases with confirmed symptoms.

Australia suffers deadliest day of pandemic as Omicron drives up hospital cases
A total of 77 deaths was recorded,
About 73,000 new infections were reported on Tuesday, down from a high of 150,000 last Thursday. So far, Australia has reported about 1.6 million infections since the pandemic began, of which around 1.3 million were in the last two weeks. Total deaths stood at 2,776.

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