Rambling in the desert

Some would say we were mad! Temp had dropped to 11deg, wind was howling and it was cold. But we all decided to get dressed up in our Winter woolies. (Hardly ever get to wear them in the sandpit) and off we went for a day of walking in the desert. It was wonderful and so refreshing.  Stopped off for a little lunch  too.

Corona Virus Update
Bahrain recorded 3,616 new cases, 0 fatalities and 2,588 recoveries today.

Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam on Saturday warned that Covid-19 infections could be growing exponentially in a congested residential area of the city and that overall cases had also spread due to an outbreak in pet hamsters.
On Tuesday, officials ordered the killing of about 2,000 hamsters from dozens of pet shops after tracing a coronavirus outbreak to a worker at a shop, where 11 hamsters later tested positive for Covid-19.

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