I gave Rhian a lift to the start of our Ramblers walk this morning, a very varied route which was much less muddy than feared, but also less sunny than forecasted!

I've been using a Montane rucksack recently, and again today, that I bought three years ago in preparation for the trip to Calpe that never happened! It's a climbing sack with a rope strap, but the chest strap is ridiculous because it's elastic and so doesn't really do it's job, and it clips onto a plastic strip which is fiddly to do and undo and doesn't feel secure. 

I want to take this rucksack to Benidorm for both walking and climbing, but I decided that I'd got to improve the chest strap. I rummaged in my sewing stuff and found a length of grey webbing the right width, and amazingly there was a proper fastening there too. Thirty minutes later it was done - see the extra for the original strap and my replacement. 

9 miles
1,364 ft ascent 

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