
By Skysea7

Backblip - reflections

This was last Thursday - I forgot to post it.  I liked the reflections.  It was very sunny.  But for the last four days it has been grim and grey and cold with not an inch of sun.

Of course I've been reflecting on the endless parties that Boris needs an investigation to let him know he was there.  Even on his birthday.  He has been playing for time 'waiting for the investigation results'.  But of course Sue Gray is a civil servant and he is her boss, so when she presents the report to him, he can decide what to do with it!  And this is supposed to be a democracy?  And now, suspiciously well-timed, the police have decided to investigate.  So Boris will now be able to play for more time by saying he is waiting for the outcome of the police investigation.  And of course he must not say anything that might influence the police's work!

Today, or yesterday, he said something that should have been 'important' about Russia.  But I stopped listening after his first few words because I realised that he can say nothing that matters and that is credible after his countless barefaced lies.  He cannot continue to 'run the country' if he ever did. He still tries to boast about the success of the vaccinations but he didn't do those.  Thousands of volunteers plus healthcare workers and doctors and nurses did those.

I saw a quote somewhere that said if someone needs an investigation to tell him he went to some parties, then should that person have access to the nuclear button?

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