Mysterious Shoots!

8°C  -  16 mph WNW Wind Speed  -  22 mph Gusts  -  Sunny Day.  No two days alike  -  today sunny all day!  Early start to day with Electrician visiting to measure up for the smoke all-connected fire alarms that are now required by Scottish law in every room.  He is having to install battery-operated alarms rather than electric because he would have to take up the flooring in the loft to get to the electric wiring.  Then I printed off my Tesco vouchers and went down to Tescos to use them  -  wine, ice cream and king prawns:)  While clearing yet more leaves this afternoon I uncovered these shoots in a small space beside a tub  -  it should be bare soil so I’ve no idea how they got there!  Very welcome though  -  I think they may be daffodils.  We’ll see:)

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