Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Between the storms!

We seem to have escaped the worst of last night's storm Malik here in Edinburgh, but there is another forecast (Corrie) for tonight. I know there are folk further north still without power, I hope things are not too bad there.
It got very dark here around 3pm, but the weather was fine, then at around 4.30 the rain started, the sky took on an ominous pink colour and there was a real clarity /sharpness to the air. They say there is worse to come.
I did my usual (negative) lateral flow test before church this morning but when I reported in to Zoë I got an email to say that as I had recorded a sore throat for a few days I should go for a PCR and isolate till I got the result, it felt a bit like a Monopoly 'go directly to jail' card. With no symptoms, Colin did not have to do likewise.
I managed to book a test nearby, at lunchtime. It was a walk through test centre, and having driven myself down there, I was back in the house within 20 minutes, very efficient. I guess with the family having been positive, there is a remote chance that I am, but I do think it is remote. Still I didn't want to take it to church.
I was amused that the drive though centre I was directed to was in the Assembly Rooms in George Street. In spite of being classed as a drive through they said it was for pedestrians only, no cars! Hmmmmm! I'll need to think about that one.
I hope the test result comes in quickly btw, a bit of tooth broke off last night, so I need to book a dental appointment and I know what the first question will be and it will have nothing to do with teeth!

I got some pruning done in the front garden today so the brown bin is full, ready for collection this week. I also took down the coloured lights, I reckon that as we were celebrating Candlemas in church today, albeit a couple of days early, that probably marks the end of the extended Christmas period. If I'd left them though perhaps I could have claimed early Easter!

Keep safe folks, hope the hatches are well and truly battened down!

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