Blue Tit

I have become a bit lazy when photographing garden birds lately asI tend to rely on my bridge camera, a Sony RX10 a it has maximum zoom of 600mm and is easy to handle. However, in poor lighting and high ISO it suffers when compared to my Fujifilm XT3 so  decided for a change to use that with a doubled 300mm lens. As it is a canon mount I also have use a fringier adapter to fit it on to my fuji xt3. It is a very heavy 2.8f lens, perhaps my most serious piece of glass so with the doubler and adapter attached it is very weighty and bulky so I have to use it with of strong tripod with a gimbal head. I dread to think how much heavier this all is than the sonyrx10. I am always amazed that my smallish fuji xt3 camera is actually able to autofocus such heavyweight lens. However, The best laid plans crumble if there is insufficient activity at the bird feeder as there was this afternoon. it was in fact worth while as I had to shoot  at a very high ISO 6400 and 128OO in order to get a quick enough shutter speed. I would not normally use such a high ISO because of noise issues but the camera performed well and the shots were certainly passable. Post processing in DxO PhotoLab also helped as its denoising software is probably the best there is around. Sorry for all the technical guff but It did remind me that is sometimes worthwhile using much more complicated kit.

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