Closed Court

Back to work and a 5 day week this time around. The day didn't start well when I (Chris) dropped my phone on the road outside smashing the back cover. Thankfully the front screen survived and it looks repairable so fingers crossed, first time I've ever inflicted serious damage on a handset!!!

Tonight a run with the running club, I was leading the Super Green group so target 9 minute mile pace and minimal recovery. We made it, 6 miles and overall average pace spot on the 9 minute mile mark including the stops for road crossings. It's so much more fun in daylight (and warmer).

Tonight's blip is an office just up the road from me, I've run past it many times but not walked past in some time and was struck how in a relatively short period, foliage and vegetation is moving in. Made me think of Day of the Triffids or 28 Days Later....

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