Living my dream

By Mima

Summer again

The sun came out and the clouds stayed away. Hurray.

I spent the morning in K’s garden cutting back an overgrown magnolia bush, and then I started on a rambling rose which has rambled all over her woodpile and into the drive.

Still on the tidying mission, I came home to weed, rake and shovel the edges of the drive where nettles were taking over. It looks very neat now and makes the rest of the property look shabby by comparison.

As I walked down the path from the truck (kitchen, bathroom, dining, pantry) late this afternoon this view caught my eye. I love the colours, textures and heights of the herb bed in the foreground. The guest cabin is behind.

Did I say that I live in a series of cabins, and a converted truck? I may have overlooked that bit of information…

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