
Strava Day 253/ #75Hard Off Phase Day 10. Indoor yoga, two liters done. This is my "progress photo" for the day. Already took a bath and ready to prepare breakfast for everyone. It's quite messy here at the moment: Garage is being redesigned, roof repairs on going (B's workspace is temporarily transferred back to our home space) and am doing my best to organize T's doodle work.
*From Meditations of Women Who Do Too Much by Anne Wilson Schaef:

Clarity: "Well we start out in our lives as little children, full of light and the clearest vision." Brenda Ueland

When we begin our recovery from our addictive doing-too-much, we may have little or no experience of what clarity or sobriety from our addictive behaviour is like. We have muddled around so long in these addictive thinking patterns and behaviours that they almost seem normal to us. The last time we experienced clarity may well have been when we were children.

After we have admitted our powerlessness over our addictive, compulsive work behaviour, and after we have begun working the program for a while, we may suddenly have a moment of clarity. It surges through our consciousness like a meteor and scares us to death. Yet we sense that whatever we experienced is something of extraordinary importance. It is like a lullaby sung long ago. The words are faint, and the melody reverberates in our being.

Clarity is not unfamiliar to us...we have just forgotten what it's like.

Grateful for my decision not to go to our local gym this afternoon for strength training to focus on backlogs. Grateful for family who understands boundaries and grateful for good friends who have stayed and "kept" me.
T made me laugh last night when he showed me his animation/doodle (no idea what app he's using) of himself, B and me. He made himself a graphic where he has purple hair, B looks grumpy with black clothing and headphones on while Iooked like a teenager with blue hair, a crop top, shorts and headphones as well.

Featured photo is a self-timed mobile shot with Kuya D, our current main go-to for runs to the hardware and other repairs. He is my first cousin who just came back from Manila (after decades) and still calls me Sofie/Pi and had no idea am also "Olga" that when someone came looking for me he said "Sino ba yun?" (Who is that?). Told him that is my name too and he laughed and said it sounded weird.
Hope this entry made you smile. Am bravely sharing it  unedited to show a point in time where even if in someone else's eyes I looked fine, in my eyes am still the nerdy, awkward kid. Gratitude and light.

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