An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

If at first you don't succeed...

Give up try, try again.

I only spent a little time in the studio today and when faced with a blank piece of paper, I decided to approach it with a bit more structure rather than randomly making marks and expecting something worthwhile to emerge.  

I decided I wanted to focus on creating a background round a simple shape that may or may not resemble (or become) a flower head.  The shape was not the subject of the work or the focal point (but of course once complete it does become that) and was almost incidental as I worked.  I wanted to create a background of colours merging, focussing on not over mixing and leaving some hard and soft edges.  

I feel I achieved what I set out to do and have learned that I definitely need to have a pretty firm idea of what I am creating, rather than winging it.  

This was confirmed later in the day when I started thinking about a set of cards my friend Carole has asked me to create.  After a short discussion with her about the purpose of the cards, ideas popped into my head and within 10 minutes I was able to send her an initial sketch that she is very happy with.  Phew!  My artistic mojo hasn't gone, it was just waiting for a proper spark.

In other news, D's back is still sore.  He's seeing a local physio on Tuesday.  in the meantime he's to ice it two or three times a day, and use a hot water bottle as many times as he feels comfortable doing.  He's had to cancel golf tomorrow so it must be bad!  Lola has spent the day bringing him many gifts (remnants of her chewed and torn blanket :-)) for which he's very grateful.  I lectured him lovingly chatted to him about listening to his back and not playing golf when it's been niggling him.  He didn't seem quite as grateful for that.

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