
By hpx

Nothing like homegrown peaches

In its third year, my dwarf peach has its best crop yet. I reckon it must have at least 25 peaches. I had my first peach about a week ago.

Despite the lack of sun and warmth, some have ripened. I don't mind them ripening at a slower rate. I'd rather enjoy them over a longer period.

My dwarf nectarine isn't as flash. Earwigs have got into the leaves and branches. I think there's 2 nectarines left. The rest have gone mouldy before ripening. I blame the earwigs.

I had a successful physio appointment. He knew what I'd done and I've got some exercises for it. I'll continue to occasionally take anti inflamatorys.

I can walk and bike on the flat, and do my strength workouts. Tramping, running, and anything with hills or jumping, is on the back burner for now.

I used Bert the Ebike to get to physio at the nearby town of Lincoln. I was still sweaty but not as much as I would have been if I'd ridden Keith.

Bert nearly caught up with a tractor on the way to physio. The tractor swerved onto the grass verge and cycle path, to allow the farmer to make a wide swing turn. That nearly didn't end well.

Today's gratitude: For successfully managing week 3, series 3 of 'Working from Home'. There are advantages and I'm making the most of them.

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