
By Bowen

No touch up needed

Persephone insists on getting up early.  I mean really early, most mornings at about 5:45.  I am not, I repeat not, a morning person but when ya gotta go ya gotta go.  The advantage of the early morning wake up call is im catching a lot of sunrises like this one today.  No editing needed for this, the snow is crisp and the morning sky was that baby blue!

Really the pups do well and sleep through the night now.  I've had to find a happy medium of going to bed early enough for Persephone not to get all whiny and late enough for Willa.  Willa will get up around midnight to pee if we go to bed too early. Yesterday brought snowfall with a good amount of moisture. By the time I made it out to shovel around midmorning the bottom 1/2 inch was slush.  One of those snowfalls where you need to lift with your legs to prevent a back injury.  Ah, the bonus workout of snow removal. 

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