Turtles All The Way Down

By Stacebob

Drizzly Day In

I have this week off work as I needed to use up some leave before the end of the financial year, and I figured why not go with the week after I stay up stupidly late for a Super Bowl? I had resolved to be a bit grown up and spend some time each day going for a walk and cleaning; the walk was tabled due to the weather (I don't much mind wet or cold, but wet and cold is not for me), but the cleaning happened. Did the landing and stairs today, even getting up on a ladder so I could get our very short nozzled vac up into the super high ceiling corner to get all the grim cobwebs up there. By 11am I was done with that, washed and dressed, so I quickly logged into work to fill out some forms for the new job before settling in with Little Women. I'm only about 50 pages from finishing now.

After lunch, I decided to watch Man on the Moon followed immediately by Jim & Andy, and what a duo of films that is. Having been too young to really experience Andy Kaufman, he seemed entirely insufferable and incredibly weird, and then seeing Jim Carrey basically treat an entire movie production team like sh*t to be "in character" was both fascinating and frustrating. Another insufferable guy playing an insufferable guy. 

A pretty good day off, if I do say so myself!

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