Bee Happy....!

By OC65

Book club

Our Bookclub includes a variety of dogs. This is the part deerhound, part lurcher, Lottie who's just a sweetie.

We don't usually spend much time talking about books but last month's choice, The Dinner by Herman Koch, provoked much discussion.

The consensus was that it was very readable and the main character was, initially at least, sympathetic. But we didn't actually enjoy the book and basically found it unsettling. I guess that means it was a good book, but I'm not sure I'd seek out this author again.

My vote for a really good read goes to Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn which was gripping right to the end.

This month's choices are The Host by Stephanie Meyer or The Soldier's Wife by Joanna Trollope.

On a different subject, did anyone else hear about the Nutella heist? 6875 large jars were nicked with a value of £14000 and containing 27m calories!

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