An Avid Lensman

By SarumStroller

Bike Shop!!

What happens if you stick your fisheye lens up to the window of a bike shop - at night - at maximum aperture and hope for the best?

Well, this...

...of sorts, there was a colour original which was OK, even quite good and whilst this wasn't the first image I edited since getting in from my 5.30 walkabout, I knew it just had to be...

Yes, it required a fair bit of exposure evening out, as the highlights outburned the dark shadows. Not a long pained edit like yesterday's mannequin so there may be bits there shouldn't be.

I would also almost say that it's compulsory to go in 'large' for where all those concentric wheels interlock and are feeling sleepy....

My inclusion of a music track link was surprisingly popular yesterday and so for those....try this surprise - though I do have to add that it's not too obvious and I'd never put up a track that I didn't like myself, so Bicycle Race by Queen it aint.... But you should two word associations with the subject...

Aside of all this nonsense, I now have set up my old laptop table that I got from Ikea that hasn't seen daylight, since, well, my laptop didn't get used any more? So, why, then? Well, I have no table at all on which to place my keyboard - I have two Logitechs, an old light but SO clunky one that is fine on the lap but you can't see the keys unless the room's light is on. The key action is so heavy and clunky that it's seriously hard work and is akin to walking over a ploughed field wearing flip-flops...

The other is a very nice, smooth as a Rolls Royce illuminated keyboard but this is pretty heavy and on the lap gets to you after half an hour or so. More about circulation in the legs than weight, probably. Which meant that typing comments on my favourite blogging site was curtailed by 'circumstances'. Now, with this latter swish affair almost typing itself using just fingertips, but now on the laptop table, at the right height and distance, well, yes, you've answered that one yourself.

If you've forgotten, lens is Nikkor 16mm f2.8 on the full-frame D700

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