What a card

Missie was out doing a quick shop for ourselves and also a mercy food parcel for young Keil who’s got the covid. On the previous afternoon I was hanging out with him and a couple of friends on the back of Tam’s catamaran for twenty minutes, supping a beer. I take it I’m still immune. 
Anyway, as she paid for the groceries, what did she find nestling in her wallet but my bus pass! And bank card too. Well, well well. I’m sure it was my fault equally….
So goodbye Ian McDonald, late of King Crimson. I had to play their first album as a tribute of course, as I’m exactly that sort of bozo. And Jan PieÅ„kowski, creator of the Meg & Mog books. Though I don’ t have any of those, having lost custody of them. They were weirdly good though. The prog rock of children’s literature. 

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