A different view- one side to the other

Got another pic from Niall's office,  this time looking in the opposite direction with the city behind them.
This shows the size of our little island.  We live on the far side.  Next to the orange tower you can just see peeping out.

Corona Virus Update
Bahrain recorded 5,266 new cases, 2 fatalities and 6,330 recoveries today.
Individuals vaccinated - 1,228,504
463,805 cases have been recorded in the sandpit.
Bahrain has 54,266 active cases,  105 are receiving treatment, 17 critical  cases.  1,427 deaths recorded.  408,112 recoveries.  Total tests done is   9,158,089 

Germany has a lower inoculation rate than many other countries in western Europe at just 74.4% fully vaccinated.

South Korea will begin giving out fourth doses of Covid-19 vaccines by the end of February and supply millions of additional home test kits to ease shortages amid a surge in Omicron infections
The surge has pushed daily cases to records, but widespread vaccination, with first booster shots received by more than 57 percent of the population of 52 million, has helped limit deaths and serious infections.
At least 44.22 million people, or 86.2 percent of the population, are considered fully vaccinated. Sunday's 54,619 new cases took the tally of infections to 1,405,246.  The death toll rose by 21 to 7,102.

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